For correct settings of your device use application from
How to set password
If you do not know your eduroam password (first use or forgotten), login to Identity manager self-service.
As username use your student username (always begin with “st”, for example “st12345”). If you do not know your username, you can search your real name at ………… . As password to IDM self-service use your eduID password. At beginning (before you change it) it is set to x+birth_code (example: x90551212AB).
After login click to “Change Eduroam password”. At first insert your eduID password (you used it for login to IDM self-service). Then insert your wanted eduroam password twice. This password must have at least 8 characters and must be different from eduID password. And then click to “change password”.
Password is set when you see “password succesfuly changed”.